The new agricultural policy has been effective in increasing output. 新的农业政策有效地增加了产量。
Teamwork: Contributes to effective team output through co-operation, participation and a commitment to shared vision and goals. 连合操作:经过合作,分享和一个承诺对有效的队输出有助益分享视觉和目标。
Agricultural policy has been far more effective in increasing output than in reducing it. 农业政策对于增产的作用始终大于减产。
The decreased effective output impedance causes the amp to react less to the speakers. 减少的有效输出阻抗的放大器的原因作出反应较少的发言。
Effective output automatic distributor of active power 有效输出量有效功率
On the basis of production practice, this paper not only analyzes and summaries the main reason of effective output and qualified rate of fine but also elaborates some methods to settle them. 从水泥生产实践出发,分析总结了影响水泥磨机台时产量、细度合格率的主要原因,并阐述了技改措施。
Effective output The simulation object list indicates that the active reactive power compensation can carry on the compensation of reactive power very well. 有效输出量有效功率仿真结果表明,有源无功功率补偿器能很好地进行无功功率的补偿。
The results show that the microstructure and microhardness of the electroplated coatings are very sensitive to the effective output power for the transferred arc because of its high heat efficiency. 结果表明,由于转移弧热效率较高,试样组织及显微硬度的变化对有效输出功率的变化非常敏感。
The SVPWM can effectively lessen the distortion of output current and switch loss. Compared with sine PWM used widely at present, it can prominently increase effective output voltage and reduce harmonics. SVPWM能有效的减少输出电流失真及切换损耗,它与目前广泛使用的正弦式PWM比较,可以显著的增加有效输出电压及降低谐波含量。
In the laboratory's DR system, based on the mathematical function, the sensitive model is obtained, so the input field intensity is effective recovery using output field intensity. 在DR系统中,基于上述数理模型建立了灵敏度模型,利用输出场强可以很好的再现输入场强。
The experimental results show that this circuit is effective in optical output power adjustment and stabilization. 实验结果表明,该电路对调节和稳定光输出功率非常有效。
In this paper, the high resolution output technique is discussed and a new effective output method is obtained to be a solution to defects of traditional methods which are limited by the size of frame buffer. 论文围绕三维景观系统中的高分辨率输出技术进行了分析与探讨,针对传统输出方法因受帧缓冲大小的限制所存在的不足之处,提出了一种新的行之有效的高分辨率输出方法。
It was an effective way to improve output voltage waveform for inverter under nonlinear load. 在逆变电源带非线性负载时,它是对输出电压波形进行改善的一种有效手段。
As a kind of contract management frame, behavior management is more effective than output management during university-industry cooperation process. 与完全市场和垂直一体化不同,作为合约式管理架构,在产学合作过程中,往往行为管理比产出管理更有效。
The optimum effective length of resistors has been calculated by a simulation program, and the effects of thickness of square diaphragm and sheet resistance on the effective length and output responses were analyzed. 利用模拟程序确定了力敏电阻条的最优有效长度,分析了敏感膜片厚度,方块电阻等因素对电阻条有效长度和输出响应的影响。
A formula for calculating CO 2 emission for fossil fuelled boilers was derived in this paper. This formula relates CO 2 emission from boilers to boiler effective heat output, boiler efficiency, fuel quality and boiler heat losses. 文章导出了锅炉二氧化碳排放量的计算公式,揭示了锅炉二氧化碳排放量与锅炉有效热量、锅炉效率、燃料品质、锅炉热损失之间的数量关系。
An expression is presented, which can be used to calculate the effective output noise temperature of the combination of calibration source and feeding line as temperature dist-ribution of the latter is nonuniform, and its result is discussed. 导出了校准源的馈线温度非均匀分布时,校准源-馈线组合的有效输出噪声温度的计算公式,并对其结果进行了讨论。
Analysis of Effective Output Rate of Hot Water of Instantaneous Gas Water Heater 燃气快速热水器有效热水产率的分析
The simulation results demonstrated that many performance indexes of the former, such as effective thermal efficiency, fuel consumption, running unevenness, effective work, output pressure and so on have been improved obviously compared to the latter, but flow decreased slightly. 仿真结果显示,前者与后者相比,除流量较少降低外,其他工作性能指标,如有效热效率、燃油消耗率、运转不均匀度、有效功、输出压力等均有大幅度改善。
Due attention to both input and output in second language can help to learn what kind of input will lead to effective output. 关注第二语言输入和输出两方面,才能够了解如何输入才会促成有效输出。
On the other hand students make effective output and complete the task of language while answering teachers 'questions. 另一方面学生在对教师提问的回答中,对语言点进行有效输出,完成语言学习任务。
Briefly, output was more effective for productive vocabulary acquisition but not for receptive vocabulary acquisition; oral output might be more effective than written output for vocabulary acquisition. 简言之,输出能有效促进产出性词汇习得,但不能有效促进接受性词汇习得;对于词汇习得而言,口头输出可能比书面输出更有效。
In the view of management, performance is the expectation of enterprise. It is the effective output of different level in the enterprise, which contains personal performance and organization performance. 从管理学的角度看,绩效是组织期望的结果,是组织为实现其目标而展现在不同层面上的有效输出,它包括个人绩效和组织绩效两个方面。
And the bottleneck of rare resources is the key to control the production logistics, decided the vast majority of resource utilization degree, as long as the bottleneck of good management of enterprise resources can optimize the systematic logistics and effective output. 而占极少数的瓶颈资源是控制生产物流的关键,决定了占大多数的非瓶颈资源的利用程度,只有管理好企业的瓶颈资源才可以优化生产系统的物流和有效产出。
Medium-term dynamic simulation model for SOFC is established, and then hysteretic current control method is used to achieve effective output of SOFC. 2. 构建了固体氧化物燃料电池SOFC的中期动态仿真模型,并基于滞环电流跟踪控制法实现SOFC电池的有效输出。
The agro-technology is widely used to increase effective output, improve the quality of agricultural products, elevate production efficiency, expand the fields of agriculture, as well as to reduce cost and gain more profits. 农业技术具有增加农业有效产出、改进农产品品质、提高农业生产效率、拓展农业发展领域,以及节约成本、增加效益等多种功能。
Reduce the consumption of grain-based livestock production, to adjust the livestock structure, to expand the meat of livestock and poultry farming and grazing of the milk-to-use, moderate development of commodity culture and large-scale breeding can improve the effective output of animal husbandry ecosystem. 减少耗粮型畜禽养殖,调整畜禽结构,扩大肉用型畜禽养殖和食草性的奶用型,适度发展商品养殖和规模养殖,可以提高畜牧业生态系统的有效产出。
In addition, we should consciously help our students to turn reading input into effective writing output. 其次要有意识地帮助学生将阅读输入转化成有效的写作输出。